Christmas is getting close and yet the world must go on

Hi. How are you doing?

Christmas is getting close and yet the world must go on. Story creation too. There’s no rest for an author.

An idea in my head, I travelled to my local railway to flesh out such an idea. Meat on the bone, it was then time to improvise.

Have YOU ever had that kind of situation where you have something, but its not exactly what you want or need?

That’s quite often how Alf works in the TING-A-LING stories. Alf is a great improviser. Especially when, like me, the author, he is building something.

That’s how stories are created. A simple idea turns into the task of actually building the story.

It can often be just like working with your hands and tools. Spanners in Alf’s case.

So there I am scribbling away with my pen, when all of a sudden another brand new TING-A-LING story comes into being.

It will still take a deal of research before I can build it all together for at first, my liking, and then, hopefully yours. That’s if my publisher likes it too.

Why not write to Austin Macauley and ask for more TING-A-LING stories please.

Send them a letter telling them how you like the TING-A-LING stories. I certainly want you to read more of them. I just know that you will like them.

If I get time to write to you before the big day, that by the way is Christmas, then I will.

But as you know, everyone is getting excited. The boys and girl that I saw and spoke to at the railway certainly WERE getting VERY excited and they loved the book!

That made me very pleased. So much so that I promised to keep writing more stories.

Until then, leave me to continue with my improvisation to create a truly exciting other TING-A-LING story.

Wishing you every good thought.

And remember. Ask Santa for a copy of the book. Everyone should have a TING-A-LING story book.

Tell all your friend too. That includes Mum’s n Dad’s. Aunties & Uncles. Nan’s & Granddad’s. Everyone needs to know about TING-A-LING.

He’s the friendliest ambulance there ever was.


The Author.


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