Work In Progress

Buy now the interest in TING-A-LING is building. I am already told that orders for the new book are being placed BEFORE RELEASE!

And I am delighted that Santa may well be brings new fans this new release to be read as bedtime stories, or just whenever you like, wherever you like.

The main thing is that YOU spread the word. Tell everyone and anyone how good this book is.

It is early days. So it is IMPORTANT that everyone knows so that more stories can be released.

I assure you that there ARE a lot more TING-A-LING stories awaiting publication.
And if you are lucky, one may even be about YOU!

Written to be familiar, there are stories to come featuring mums & dads, aunties and uncles, grandparents, and much more.

The next lot of stories take TING-A-LING, the old ambulance on adventures far and wide.

From local ambulance station to old vehicle gatherings up and down and right across the country.

With his fame spreading each and every day, TING-A-LING even gets an invitation to visit Spain.

Lets see how Alf (his owner and restorer) gets on in the heat of the Spanish sunshine.

An invitation to Germany also comes.

And of course. I must tell you about his visit and drive through London to meet The Queen!

Hopefully soon here for you to read.

For now, I must continue with the writing of a story all about A RED TELEPHONE BOX.

Starting out short, it is now turning out to be quite a long story. So there’s plenty to read lasting quite a long time.

I will update you soon.

Oh! And before I forget. Seeing as it will soon be Christmas, there is another story all about how Alf drives TING-A-LING to the market to buy and fetch back the Christmas tree that is put up outside the big ambulance station for everyone to see, every year.

My greeting to you.


The Author. X

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